Myofascial trigger points

Generally speaking I think most people have experienced some sort of muscular pain at some point in their life. Muscle pain can come on after performing some activity, simply just by using muscles you normally don't use and doing an activity that you haven't done for a while, With the previous sentence the cause of pain can be due to delayed onset muscle soreness or even possibly a mild sprain strain issue. This type of pain will generally resolve with simple home care such as ice and active range of motion exercises. 

On to the topic at hand "myofascial trigger points", what are they?

Simply put they are painful tender spots that develop in the muscles over time. They are generally caused by repetitive use, poor biomechanics, and joint fixations. Repetitive use can be caused by work, involvment in athletics, and stress. These trigger points will develop in the muscles and cause local pain and can be a cause of referred pain to different parts of the body.


If left unresolved these issues can become chronic in nature at which point the condition is called Myofascial Pain Syndrome. This condition can be very significant in which it affects your activities of daily living. Your work performance and athletic performance will also be affected Chiropractic adjustments help by restoring range of motion to the fixated joints and reducing muscle spasms in over active muscles. There is a good success rate in treatment of trigger points if detected early, less than six months, and generally resolve with a few treatments.


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