
There is no question that proper posture plays a role in our overall health and well being. Often times we overlook or do no consider our posture to be important when it comes to our health. To start, poor posture can begin due to an accident, injury, or from bad habits that develop over time. The question is why is our posture important to our health? From a chiropractic perspective it has do with properly aligned joints. When our body is in proper alignment our nervous system can function at its optimal capacity. When we assume a poor posture, muscle memory will kick in and over time what happens is poor posture becomes your normal posture. The consequences of poor posture can range from fatigue to tight/sore muscles to joint pain and stiffness. Poor posture over time in my opinion with further increase the rate of joint degeneration. What chiropractic has to offer again comes back to alignment. With proper alignment through chiropractic adjustments we can improve the biomechanics of joints which allows the joints to function as intended. Also through the use of chiropractic adjustments we can decrease muscle spasms in tight muscles which is more often than not also a cause/contributor to poor posture.


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